Arts Education
Arts In Action provides a variety of different sessions to cater for different needs, including
For Home-Ed families:
Home-ed themed blocked half termly projects for ages 4-16.
11+ sessions for those wanting to hone skills, take more advanced projects and learn skills they could use for taking GCSE art in the future.
Face-2-Face GCSE's and A-levels in the studio in ART, PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXTILES, GRAPHICS & 3D DESIGN
Online provision is on hold at the moment due to capacity. Please message me if this is what you are after as I do have ONE online group for GCSE Art and limited 1-2-1 tutorial time. This element will be expanding in the future. When capacity / staffing grows . If you have an independent child who can work through sessions by power point with examples and will need less tuition time please contact me as I do have several ready made schemes for children to do more independently as an option for GCSE.
1-2-1 tuition for primary, secondary, GCSE, A-level & Cambridge Online qualifications. Tutoring for international qualifications
This Section is still under construction - More info and images will be added over the coming weeks. Please message for info .
ONLINE / DOWNLOADABLE: : Projects and schemes of work for use at home - Cross curricular 4-16.
Fully resourced